Zoom Woodland Walk Soy Blend Candle

Woodland Walk Soy Blend Candle


These candles are hand-poured by women artisans, most by women refugees creating new lives for themselves and their families in the United States.

Woodland Walk Candle: The candle makers are nestled in the hills of western Massachusetts and love exploring the woods around them. This candle captures walks perfectly. White cedar and oak are balanced with juniper berry, a hint of clove, and gentle lavender from a nearby meadow.

More Details:

Wax and Wick: premium soy + coconut wax candle with wood wick,  made with all-natural FSC Certified U.S. wood. The Apiary candle is made with soy and beeswax. Wick may contain oils from nuts as well.

Fragrance: essential oil based 

Dimensions:  2.75" W x 3.7" H

Burn time: about 40 hours 

Container: glass , easily recycled 

Vendor: Prosperity Candle

Woodland Walk Soy Blend Candle
